How can I place an order?
To make a purchase, follow these steps:
- Explore our extensive product catalog and click the ‘Add to cart’ button for items you wish to buy. You can add multiple products to your cart.
- In your 'Shopping cart', choose to continue shopping or proceed to confirm your order.
- Once your cart is ready, proceed to checkout, provide your shipping address, select the preferred payment method, and confirm your order.
How will my order be delivered?
Your products will be delivered within 5-7 days from the date of dispatch, which occurs within 2 days of placing your order.
How will I receive confirmation of a successful order placement?
We will send you an email and SMS/Email containing your order details to confirm. Sit back, relax, and await the arrival of your Vaaniari product.
I paid online, but my order was unsuccessful. What happened to my money?
Check your bank/credit card account to confirm if your account has been debited. If debited after a payment failure, banks typically roll back the transaction within 7 business days. For further assistance, contact us at support@vaaniari.com.
How can I check the status of my order?
If you have a user account and were logged in during order placement, you can track your order status in your Vaaniari account. We will send an SMS/Email confirmation after placing the order, and in case of any delays, you'll receive a special update from us. For concerns, email support@vaaniari.com.
Is online shopping safe for payments via net banking, debit/credit cards, or wallets?
Absolutely. We process 100% secure payments using SSL certificates, ensuring a safe and secure shopping experience. Our trusted payment gateways add an extra layer of confidence to your purchase.
Are there any undisclosed charges?
No, there are no hidden charges. You pay only the amount displayed in your order summary.
What is the delivery timeframe?
Delivery takes 5-7 working days within India and 10-15 working days globally, subject to custom clearances.
Who handles the delivery?
We have partnerships with reputable courier companies to deliver your orders directly to your doorstep.
What if there are issues with the delivery?
All orders are delivered in fully sealed packages to safeguard your goods. If you encounter any problems, email us at support@vaaniari.com.
Are there any shipping charges?
We provide FREE shipping for all orders within India.
What if I forget my password?
Simply click on the 'Forgot Password' option, and we will send a reset password link to your registered email address.